2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'new england online courses'|...any way negative. Mainstream Online Magazine, University News... for the article. New England Association of ... on the courses that they offer. This...

About 'new england online courses'|...any way negative. Mainstream Online Magazine, University News... for the article. New England Association of ... on the courses that they offer. This...

Employment               Scams               can               target               you               when               you               reply               to               an               advertisement               or               out               of               nowhere               in               your               email.

You               have               the               opportunity               to               work               in               Management               or               as               an               Officer               of               the               company.

The               scam               usually               involves               an               inability               to               receive               money               orders               in               another               country.

This               is               the               strangest               thing               I               have               ever               heard.

Banking               is               done               world               wide               these               days.

I               have               mailed               money               orders               or               sent               Paypal               worldwide.

I               have               used               cash               machines               in               European               countries               to               access               my               account               in               New               York               with               a               choice               of               currencies               to               with               draw.
               How               in               the               world               could               this               company               be               having               difficulty               receiving               payments               through               checks,               money               orders               or               Western               Union?
               You               as               an               employee               become               a               receiving               party               in               a               scam               then               forward               the               money               clean               to               the               scammer.

When               the               Sh##               Hits               The               Fan               as               the               saying               goes,               you               are               the               thief               on               record.

If               not               that,               you               will               have               been               robbed               through               identity               theft.

Here               is               an               example               from               a               real               email               that               I               received.

Please               note,               for               all               emailed               scams,               the               spelling               and               errors               are               left               as               they               were               written               by               the               email               authors               and               have               not               been               corrected.

Excess               line               breaks               were               however               removed.
               Hello,Am               Karen               Susan               from               US               and               am               looking               for               a               representative               in               the               states               and               canada               who               will               be               working               for               us               as               a               part-time               worker               and               we               are               willing               to               pay               $500USD               for               every               transaction,which               wouldn't               affect               ur               present               state               of               work,if               u               are               interested               pls               am               online               u               can               chat               with               me...
               Our               main               factory               is               located               in               England               were               we               extract               the               raw               materials               need               for               the               manufacturing               of               fabrics,but               all               transfers               and               anything               that               has               to               do               with               payments               are               refered               to               England
               we               are               looking               for               a               representative               in               the               states               and               canada,               someone               who               we               can               entrust               with               our               company               money               and               funds               and               would               help               us               recieve               payments               from               our               customers,               clients               in               the               states               for               the               supply               of               fabric               and               textile               materials               we
               supply               to               them
               The               reason               why               we               need               this               representatives               is               because               the               cost               of               coming               to               the               states               and               getting               payments               is               very               expensive,               we               can               spend               up               $1,300USD               only               in               buying               tickets               and               the               rest               of               the               expenses               ,so               we               need               a               representative               in               the               states
               and               canada               who               will               be               capable               and               reliable               of               handling               that               aspect,               We               are               willing               to               pay               $500               per               every               payment               u               recieve               ,and               you               can               still               keep               ur               regular               job               while               you               work               for               us
               All               you               have               to               do               is               help               us               recieve               payments               from               our               customers               and               clients               in               the               states               and               canada.These               payments               are               in               cashiers               check               or               money               orders               and               they               would               come               to               you               in               your               name               and               information               and               the               reason               for               this               is               that               you               will               be               the               one               to               cash               the               check               or               money               orders               ,               so               all               you               need               do               is               cash               the               check               or               money               orders               take               out               your               payment               which               is               $500               USD               and               wire               the               rest               of               the               money               to               us               via               western               union               money               transfer
               it               wouldnt               cost               u               any               amount,u               are               to               receive               our               payments               which               will               be               sent               to               u               by               fedex               or               usps               from               our               business               partners,clients               and               customers               which               would               come               in               a               cashiers               cheque               or               money               orders               then               u               are               to               cash               it               take               out               your               pay               ($500)               and               send               to               us               via               western               union               money               transfer
               his               are               the               information               that               will               be               required               from
               you               if
               you               are               interested...
               FULL               CONTACT               NAME               :
               FULL               CONTACT               ADDRESS               (Including               City               and               Zip
               Code               ):
               PHONE               NUMBER               #               :
               PERMANENT               EMAIL               ADDRESS               :
               If               you               are               interested               get               back               to               me               at
               Karen               Susan.
               A               reply               from               you               to               accept               this               job               offer               with               all               of               your               information               of               course               is               enough               to               ruin               you               through               identity               theft               without               having               gone               any               further.

This               may               be               all               that               the               scammer               wanted.

Here               is               another               example               of               a               somewhat               repetitive               employment               scam               email.
               Job               Description:               Part               Time               Representative:               $3500/month
               Your               job               is               to               receive               and               process               (cash)               the               money               orders               or               cashier               checks               that               our               US               customers               have               to               pay               to               our               company               for               advertising               packages.

In               this               way               the               payment               will               be               received               faster               (money               orders               are               cleared               in               Germany               in               30               days               from               the               day               are               received).
               You               have               10%               commission               from               every               payment               that               you               will               receive               so               you               will               be               paid               for               your               services               same               day               you               process               the               payment               because               you               will               deduct               your               share               directly.

The               job               is               100%               legal               in               USA               and               all               our               sales               activities               are               recorded               at               US               Work               Bureau.

In               order               to               start               this               part               time               job               today               we               have               some               requirements:

Be               at               least               19               years               old               and               have               a               bank               account               (in               order               to               cash               checks/money               orders               without               fees               -               IMPORTANT:               WE               WILL               NEVER               ASK               FOR               YOUR               BANK               ACCOUNT               NUMBERS               OR               OTHER               FINANCIAL               INFORMATION               FROM               YOU)

Have               an               address               where               you               will               receive               money               orders               and               cashier               checks               from               our               customers,               your               home               address               will               be               fine,               or               a               PO               Box,               if               you               have               one.

Possibility               to               check               your               email               and               respond               to               our               messages               (if               any)               same               day.
               Our               support               team               will               assist               you               100%               in               order               to               have               all               payments               processed               in               time.
               All               you               need               is               an               established               bank               account,               where               you               will               cash               the               checks.

It               really               depends               where               you               cash               the               checks.

We               do               not               welcome               new               bank               accounts               for               our               business               for               a               few               reasons.

First,               you               won't               be               able               to               cash               checks               fast,               because               the               banks               put               at               least               a               few               weeks'               hold               to               deposits               into               a               new               account.
               We               do               make               background               research               on               all               the               international               customers               before               we               sell               our               advertising               packages.
               We               also               verify               the               checks               for               funds               availability               before               it               arrives               to               you.

In               an               outstanding               case               of               any               problem,               we               offer               a               full               guarantee               to               cover               the               fees.

That               way               you               can               feel               absolutely               protected               and               safe.
               You               will               receive               various               payments               from               our               US               or               Canada               buyers               for               our               advertising               packages.
               In               GERMANY               they               usually               deliver               the               funds               within               10               days               if               we               have               one               bank               account               open               to               one               US               bank               (we               have               the               bank               account               open               to               one               GERMANY               bank               --               this               will               delay               payments               with               another               3-4               days)               and               this               delay               is               not               profitable               for               our               company.
               With               US               representative's               help               we               can               process               these               payments               faster               and               the               customers               will               be               served               faster.

We               are               selling               in               US               95%               from               time               advertising               packages               like               ads               in               Europe               Newspapers,               email               marketing               packages,               Search               engine               services.
               If               there               will               be               something               that               you               don't               know,               simply               ask               our               support               team               and               you               will               have               all               the               answers               within               few               hours               or               minutes.

My               name               is               Christina               Foste               and               I               will               keep               you               informed               regarding               payments               and               procedures.
               Here               is               step               by               step               explanation               of               entire               and               simple               process:

You               complete               the               name               and               address               below

We               advertise               our               products               and               in               4-5               days               after               you               sent               your               address               you               start               to               receive               payments               from               our               customers               (money               orders,               checks)               made               payable               to               your               name               and               address               for               instant               processing

You               cash               one               payment               (check               or               money               order)               -               at               the               bank               or               check               cashing               store

You               deduct               your               10%               from               total               amount               of               the               check               or               money               order               that               you               receive               and               cash.

You               transfer               us               90%               minus               transfer               costs               (the               transfer               costs               are               paid               from               our               90%)               with               bank               to               bank               transfer               or               Western               Union

You               receive               another               payment               and               you               process               it               same               way.
               This               job               implies               only               checks/money               orders               cashing,               nothing               else               is               required               to               work               for               us.

We               will               never               ask               you               any               fees               to               work               for               us.
               To               begin               this               job               we               need               your               FULL               NAME               AND               ADDRESS               (your               postal               address               --               home               address)               FOR               PAYMENTS               that               will               be               mailed               (shipped)               to               your               address:
               Full               name:
               City,               State,               Zip               code:
               2               Email               Addresses:
               Phone               number:
               The               money               orders               and               cashier               checks               that               will               be               processed               by               you               can               be               cleared               same               day               you               receive               the               USPS               delivery.
               If               you               agree               and               want               to               start               the               job,               Your               response               with               your               name               and               address               is               expected               today.
               From               the               moment               we               have               your               approval               and               your               name               and               address               we               will               start               the               advertising               program               and               ask               customers               to               send               checks               and               money               orders               to               your               address.
               How               you               will               be               paid:               You               will               have               10%               from               each               payment               that               you               receive               and               process               AND               also               will               receive               every               two               weeks               $1,000               paycheck               from               our               company               starting               the               day               you               process               your               first               payment.
               After               30               days               of               testing               period               we'll               sign               by               mail               contract               for               long-term.
               Within               these               30               days,               testing               period,               your               approval               to               work               for               our               company               is               a               US               legally               binding               contract,               you               cannot               agree               now,               make               us               spend               money               advertising               and               then               leave               this               job.
               We               provide               1099               form               at               the               end               of               each               year.

Please               be               responsible.

This               part               time               job               is               very               simple               and               all               terms               are               clear.
               Thank               you               for               your               time
               Our               company               name:               Unique               Ads,               Inc.
               This               next               email               claims               to               have               an               association               with               a               real               company,               Toshiba.

Using               the               name               of               a               real               company               lends               an               air               of               legitimacy               to               this               employment               scam.

Here               it               is.
               Your               Ref:2810/04/TF-ATW
               Toshiba               Handle               company               ::Introduces               the               position               of               offshore               financial               manager               ,responsible               for               processing               payments               from               customers               and               clients               doing               business               with               Toshiba               and               other               financial               means.
               The               requirements               for               the               candidates               are               :
               -Being               energetic,responsible,honest               and               industrious
               -Being               under               60               years               old
               -Having               a               few(1-2               hrs               a               day)
               -Having               a               bank               account
               -Having               a               phone,(home               and               mobile)
               -Having               an               email
               Once               you               are               able               to               attribute               yourself               and               meet               all               the               above               listed               requirements,you               should               probably               then               apply               for               our               offered               position.Our               company               remains               the               most               successful               distributor               of               power               equipments               manufactured               by               Toshiba.Recently,our               company's               profit               has               increased               so               much               ,thus,               we               decided               to               expand               into               the               markets               of               United               Kingdom               and               Africa.Your               duties               as               offshore               financial               manager               will               be               to               receive               payments               through               various               means               from               the               customer               in               the               nearest               region               .The               employee               will               process               the               payment               and               send               the               money               via               Western               Union               or               Moneygram               to               one               of               our               regional               trade               missions               or               our               partner               regional               branches               in               the               Senega               or               United               Kingdom               most               especially.We               will               forward               your               name               and               Bank               account               info               to               our               accreditted               customer               who               will               wire               the               payment               direct               to               your               bank               account.
               You               are               expected               to               deducted               10%               for               your               income               and               wired               the               same               day               without               any               excuses.(YOU               COULD               EARNED               UP               TO               $900usd               A               WEEK               OR               MORE)               Its               real               and               legit               and               we               have               our               own               way               of               verifing               information               given               to               us               to               ascertain               if               its               genuine               or               otherwise.We               also               have               security               agents               working               with               us               in               collaboration               with               the               FBI,Scotland               Yard               and               INTERPOL               just               in               case               you               turn               out               to               be               a               cheat.
               NOTE:ALL               CHARGES               BY               WESTERN               UNION               AND               MONEY               GRAM               WILL               BE               HANDLED               BY               TOSHIBA               HANDLE               ,so               when               sending               via               western               union               or               moneygram,fees               will               be               taken               from               total               sum               processed               by               you.further               details               regarding               to               the               employment               form               and               confirmation               will               be               entertained               via               our               personal               email               address.
               Note:               If               you               find               yourself               to               be               instrested               in               this               Employment               Offer               Please               Send               Your               Responce               To               {james_martins0007@hotmail.com               }
               Foreign               Transaction               Officer
               Yours               faithfully,
               James               Martins.
               Ph:               +44702402905
               Here               now               is               one               more               job               opportunity.

It               is               so               easy               to               fall               prey               to               these               offers               if               you               are               not               wary.
               21               Llanover               road               plumstead
               SE18               3ST               London.
               Telephone               number               +447031860556
               Dear               Friend,
               My               name               is               Ms               Susan               Harrison-Powell,               I               am               an               artist               with               my               husband               Peter               Powell               ,We               own               SUS               ART               WORLD               in               London,Zealand(United               Kingdom)I               live               in               London               United               Kingdom,               with               my               two               kids,               four               cats,               one               dog               and               the               love               of               my               life               my               husband               Mr               Peter               Powell               .

It               is               definitely               a               full               house,               I               have               been               doing               artwork               since               I               was               a               small               child               That               gives               me               about               23               years               of               experience               I               majored               in               art               in               high               school               and               took               a               few               college               art               courses               Most               of               my               work               is               done               in               either               pencil               or               art               brush               mixed               with               color               pencils.
               I               have               recently               added               designing               and               creating               artwork               on               the               computer,               I               have               been               selling               my               art               for               the               last               3               years               and               have               had               my               work               featured               on               trading               cards,               prints               and               in               magazines,               I               have               sold               in               galleries               and               to               private               collectors               from               all               around               the               world.

I               am               always               facing               serious               difficulties               when               it               comes               to               selling               my               art               works               to               Americans,               they               are               always               offering               to               pay               with               momey               order               or               casher's               cheque,               which               is               difficult               for               me               to               cash               here               in               London               United               Kingdom.
               I               am               looking               for               a               representative               in               the               United               States               Of               Amareica               who               will
               be               working               for               me               as               a               par               time               worker               and               i               will               be               willing               to               pay               10%               for
               every               transaction,               which               wouldn't               affect               your               present               state               of               work,               someone
               who               would               help               me               receive               payments               from               my               customers               in               the               states,               I               mean
               someone               that               is               responsible               and               reliable,               because               the               cost               of               coming               to               the
               state               and               getting               payments               is               very               expensive,               I               am               working               on               setting               up               a
               branch               in               the               state,               so               for               now               i               need               a               representative               in               the               United               States
               Of               Amareica               who               will               be               handling               the               payment               aspect               for               our               company.
               These               payments               are               in               order               or               casher's               cheque               and               they               wouldcome               to               you               in
               your               name               if               you               are               willing               to               assist               as               a               representative,               so               all               you               need
               do               is               cash               the               money               order               deduct               your               percentage               and               western               union               Charges
               then               wire               the               rest               back.
               But               the               problem               i               have               is               trust,               i               have               made               arrangement               with               the               FBI               in
               Washington,that               if               anybody               gets               away               with               my               money               they               will               definately               get
               hold               with               the               person,and               the               person               will               go               to               JAIL               for               LOOTING               my               funds               ,
               you               are               to               receive               the               order               or               casher's               cheque               payment               which               will               be               sent
               to               you               by               the               Fedex               or               UPS               from               my               business               partners,               which               would               come               in
               form               of               a               order               or               casher's               cheque               then               you               are               to               take               it               to               your               bank
               account               to               enable               you               cash               it               and               send               the               money               cashed               for               the               order               or
               casher's               cheque               to               me               via               Western               Union               money               transfer               or               Money               Gram.
               NOTE:               All               charges               of               the               Western               Union               money               transfer               or               Money               Gram.will               be
               deducted               from               the               money,               so               you               are               rest               assured               that               you               wouldn't               spend               a
               dime               out               of               your               personal               money.
               If               you               are               interested,               please               get               back               to               me               as               soon               as               possible               via               email.
               N:               B,               Please               send               to               me               the               listed               information               below:
               #Your               full               name:
               #Your               full               home               address,
               #Your               age,#Occupation               and               as               well               your               #marital               status,               and               your,#direct
               contact               telephone               number,
               I               will               be               needing               your               home               address,               so               that               I               will               forward               it               to               my
               customers               to               send               you               the               casher's               cheque               .

via               Fedex               or               overnight               shipment.
               Thanks               for               your               assistant               and               God               bless,
               Susan               Peter               Powell               .
               Director               of               SUS               ART               WORLD               INC,
               London,               United               Kingdom.
               Many               people               are               caught               up               in               scams               like               these               everyday.

The               people               who               send               email               like               these               do               it               as               a               job               of               their               own               consistently               earning               themselves               money               by               tricking               you               into               getting               involved.

Identity               theft               and               money               exchange               end               up               with               you               in               dire               straits.

Your               identity               can               be               used               in               numerous               ways               mostly               to               do               things               like               to               get               and               spend               credit               in               your               name.

You               can               also               end               up               involved               in               illegal               money               scam               activities               or               be               tricked               out               of               your               own               funds.

Whatever               the               outcome,               it               won't               be               pretty,               and               you               will               receive               the               short               end               of               the               stick               if               you               even               get               a               stick               at               all.

You               will               definitely               be               stuck               with               no               job               and               no               money               in               the               end               with               your               identity               stolen               and               in               the               middle               of               a               horrible               scam.

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    About 'lincoln college campus portal'|...7000 jobs – GM slashes 2000 more – IBM chopped at least 1400 – Lincoln Financial exits 540 – TI to delete 3400 – 1500 less at Baker Hughes

    About 'lincoln college campus portal'|...7000 jobs – GM slashes 2000 more – IBM chopped at least 1400 – Lincoln Financial exits 540 – TI to delete 3400 – 1500 less at Baker Hughes

    San               Diego               The               city               of               San               Diego               offers               a               metropolitan               atmosphere,               with               all               of               the               convenience               of               a               major               city,               while               mixing               in               the               rich               history,               and               beauty               associated               with               this               coastal               region               of               California.

    San               Diego               is               the               eighth               largest               city               in               the               nation,               and               the               second               largest               city               in               the               state.

    San               Diego               is               the               seat               of               San               Diego               County,               and               sits               just               north               of               the               Mexican               Border.

    The               metro               area               boasts               a               population               of               nearly               3               million               residents.
                   The               downtown               area               home               to               communities               known               as               Mid-City               and               Central.

    Neighborhoods               in               the               Central               area               include:               Balboa               Park,               Bankers               Hill,               Barrio               Logan,               City               Heights,               Columbia,               Core,               Cortez               Hill,               East               Village,               Gaslamp               Quarter,               Horton,               Little               Italy,               Marina,               Golden               Hill,               Grant               Hill,               Logan               Heights,               Memorial,               Middletown,               Sherman               Heights,               South               Park,               and               Stockton.

    Midtown               neighborhoods               include:               City               Heights,               Azalea               Park,               Bayridge,               Hollywood               Park,               Castle,               Cherokee               Point,               Chollas               Creek,               Colina               Del               Sol,               Corridor,               Fairmount,               Fox               Canyon,               Islenair,               Ridgeview,               Webster               Rolando,               Swan               Canyon,               Teralta               East,               Teralta               West,               College               East,               College               West,               Darnall,               El               Cerrito,               Gateway,               Kensington,               Normal               Heights,               Oak               Park,               and               Talmadge.
                   CITY               HEIGHTS               AREA
                   The               City               Heights               area               is               one               of               the               largest               communities               in               downtown               San               Diego,               and               is               well               known               for               the               diverse               ethnic               and               racial               population               which               calls               the               area               home.

    University               Avenue               is               a               haven               for               both               students,               and               intellectual               types,               particularly               university               staff.

    Although               a               growing               community,               the               area               is               challenged               economically,               with               a               large               number               of               lower               income               housing,               and               smaller               sized               businesses.

    More               popular               with               the               middle               aged,               and               more               affluent               professionals               is               the               neighborhood               of               Balboa               Park,               where               the               crime               rate               is               lower,               and               a               more               visible               law               enforcement               presence               is               typical.
                   BAY               AREAS
                   Downtown               area               located               next               to               the               San               Diego               Bay               run               to               the               west,               and               southwest               sections               of               the               city,               and               feature               primarily               more               expensive               housing,               and               high               numbers               of               residents.

    Bay               Area               neighborhoods               include:               Bankers               Hill,               Middletown,               Balboa               Park               ,               Sherman               Heights,               Golden               Hill,               Barrio               Logan,               and               Logan               Heights.

    The               San               Diego               International               Airport               is               also               located               in               this               high               tourist               area.
                   BUSINESS               AREA
                   Travel               and               Tourism               is               the               mainstay               of               the               area,               with               corporate               buildings               intermingled               with               the               more               popular               beach               districts.

    Neighborhoods               in               this               urban,               yet               fairly               low               crime               rate               area               include:               Columbia,               Core,               the               center               of               the               business               district,               Cortex               Hill,               East               Village,               which               boasts               the               green               areas               of               Petco               Park,               and               Ballpark               Village,               Gaslamp               Quarter,               the               center               of               the               nigh               club,               and               entertainment,               Little               Italy,               Marina,               which               also               is               the               location               of               the               popular               Seaport               Village,               Horton,               and               Seaport               Village               proper,               which               is               in               the               heart               of               the               marina               area,               and               the               hub               of               water               activities               and               tourists.
                   LEISURE               &               FAMILY               FRIENDLY               ACTIVITIES
                   Dressing               a               City,               Ongoing               Daily,               San               Diego               Historical               Society               Museum               
                   Fossil               Mysteries,               Ongoing               Daily,               San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Free               Museum               Admission,               Ongoing               Each               Tue,               Balboa               Park               
                   Gaslamp               Walking               Tour,               Ongoing               Tue,               Sat               
                   Petco               Park               Tours,               Ongoing               Daily               except               Mon,               Petco               Park               
                   Robert               Irwin:               Primaries               and               Secondaries,               Daily               to               4/13/08,               Museum               of               Contemporary               Art               San               Diego/Downtown               
                   Bud               Kearns               Municipal               Pool               
                   San               Diego               Central               Library               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Dance               Association               
                   San               Diego               Junior               Theatre               
                   San               Diego               Youth               Symphony               
                   The               War               through               Steichen's               Eyes,               Daily               to               7/23/08,               Maritime               Museum               of               San               Diego               
                   Kindred               Spirits,               Daily               except               Mon               to               4/27/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   Plein               Air               Past               and               Present,               Daily               except               Mon               to               4/27/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   The               Photographer's               Eye,               Daily               to               4/27/08,               Museum               of               Photographic               Arts               (MoPA)               
                   Photography               at               the               Poles.,               Daily               to               5/4/08,               San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Picturing               the               Process,               Daily               to               6/29/08,               Museum               of               Photographic               Arts               (MoPA)               
                   A               Day               in               Pompeii,               Daily               to               6/15/08,               San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Greece:               Secret               of               the               Past--IMAX,               Daily               to               6/15/08,               San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Rhythms               of               India,               Daily               to               5/18/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   Tastes               in               Asian               Art,               Daily               except               Mon               to               7/13/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   The               Tortoise               and               the               Hare,               Daily               to               3/30/08,               Balboa               Park               
                   Old               Masters               of               Music               and               Art:               Pacific               Camerata,               3/30/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   Kidz               Yoga,               Each               Sun               3/30/08-5/4/08,               Infinite               Yoga               
                   XX               Sports               Radio               Opening               Day               Block               Party,               3/31/08               
                   His               People,               4/5/08,               Balboa               Theatre               
                   Art               Alive               2008,               Daily               4/11/08-4/13/08,               San               Diego               Museum               of               ART               
                   Baby               Loves               Disco,               4/13/08               
                   Going               Green               Family               Concert,               4/13/08,               Balboa               Theatre               
                   Spring               Family               Day,               4/13/08,               Maritime               Museum               of               San               Diego               
                   Jungle               Jack               Hanna,               4/20/08,               Balboa               Theatre
                   CULTURE               &               ENTERTAINMENT
                   Copley               Symphony               Hall               
                   Flicks               for               Kids               
                   Petco               Park               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Dance               Association               
                   San               Diego               Junior               Theatre               
                   San               Diego               Opera               
                   San               Diego               Padres               
                   Mountain               Lake               Chess               Camp               
                   Museum               of               Photographic               Arts               (MoPA)               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Dance               Association               
                   San               Diego               Junior               Theatre               
                   San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   Spreckels               Theater               
                   San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Spanish               Camp               
                   San               Diego               Chinese               Historical               Society               and               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Dance               Association               
                   San               Diego               Junior               Theatre               
                   San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   San               Diego               Chinese               Historical               Society               and               Museum               of               Contemporary               Art               San               
                   San               Diego               Central               Library               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Theatre               
                   San               Diego               Concourse               
                   San               Diego               Convention               Center               
                   San               Diego               Harbor               Excursions               
                   San               Diego               Seals               Harbor               Tour               
                   The               Saville               Theatre               
                   Starlight               Theatre
                   POINTS               OF               INTEREST               
                   Bud               Kearns               Municipal               Pool               
                   Central               Library               
                   Maritime               Museum               of               San               Diego               
                   Museum               of               Contemporary               Art               San               Diego/Downtown               
                   Museum               of               Photographic               Arts               (MoPA)               
                   San               Diego               Aircraft               Carrier               Museum               -               USS               Midway               
                   San               Diego               Central               Library               
                   Diego/Downtown               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Historical               Society               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Museum               of               Art               
                   San               Diego               Natural               History               Museum               
                   Veterans               Museum               and               Memorial               Center               
                   Petco               Park
                   Soleil               at               K               
                   Greystone               Steakhouse               
                   Bottega               De               La               Strade               
                   Aqua               Blu               
                   Dakota               Grill               
                   Acqua               Al               2               
                   Trattoria               La               Strade               
                   Oestra               The               Fish               House               
                   MAX               New               York               
                   Osteria               Panevina               
                   Bella               Luna               
                   Mister               Tiki               Mai               Tai               Lounge               
                   La               Fiesta               
                   De               Medici               
                   Ocean               Room               
                   Gaslamp               Strip               Club               Restaurant               
                   Blue               Point               
                   Georges               on               Fifth               
                   House               of               Blues               
                   Café               Sevilla               
                   Jade               Theater               
                   Royal               India               
                   The               Fleetwood               
                   Donovan's               of               Downtown               
                   Yard               House               
                   Grant               Grill               
                   Quarter               Kitchen               
                   The               Field               
                   Rock               Bottom               
                   Sushi               Bar               Nippon               
                   Hard               Rock               Café               
                   Buca               di               Beppo               
                   Blue               Ginger               
                   Rei               do               Gado               
                   Gaslamp               Tavern               
                   LG's               Steakhouse               
                   Ole               Madrid               
                   Octopus               Garden               
                   Marketplace               Grill               
                   Café               828               
                   Aubergine               on               Fourth               
                   Take               Sushi               
                   Fifth               Quarter               
                   Seven               -               17               
                   Henry's               Pub               
                   Morton's               of               Chicago               
                   The               Shout               House               
                   RA               Sushi               
                   Marin               Lounge               
                   Lou               and               Mickey's               
                   Jimmy               Love's               
                   Indigo               Grill               
                   Po               Pazzo               
                   Princess               Pub               
                   Fat               City               Steakhouse               
                   Top               of               the               Market               
                   Greek               Island               Café               
                   Harbor               House               
                   Buster's               Beach               House
                   The               upper               class               residential               areas,               and               the               contrasting               lower               income               sections               of               the               south               side               of               San               Diego               include               the               communities               of:               Alta               Vista,               Bay               Terrace,               Broadway               Heights,               Chollas               View,               Emerald               Hills,               Encanto,               Jamacha-Lomita,               Lincoln               Park,               Mountain               View,               Mt.

    Hope,               Paradise               Hills,               Shelltown,               Skyline,               Southcrest,               Valencia               Park,               Egger               Highlands,               Nestor,               Ocean               Crest,               Otay               Mesa,               Otay               Mesa               West,               Palm               City,               San               Ysidro,               and               Tijuana               River               Valley.
                   South               Mid-               City               Region
                   Neighborhoods               which               make               up               the               Mid-City               Region               are               located               near               Adams               Avenue,               and               is               often               referred               to               as               the               cultural               center               of               the               city.

    The               area               runs               from               Interstate               15               though               Interstate               8,               and               then               north               to               Fairmount               avenue               and               Cajon               Bouldevard               to               the               south.

    Redwood               is               primarily               a               middle               class               residential               neighborhood.

    On               the               edges               of               this               area,               large               shopping               centers               offer               basic               items,               to               high               end               fashion               garments               and               shoes:               University               Square               Shopping               Center,               and               Rolando               Shopping               Center.

    Normal               Heights               is               located               in               the               more               hilly               areas               of               the               city,               and               features               moderate               housing,               as               well               as               student               oriented               sections               of               the               neighborhood               toward               the               Adams               Avenue               area.
                   Balboa               Park
                   The               more               urban               area               of               Balboa               Park               has               the               largest               amount               of               pedestrian               activity,               and               many               community               events               which               highlight               cultural               and               ethnic               contributions               and               heritage.

    Three               of               the               larges               community               events               include:               Adams               Avenue               Street               Fair,               Art               Around               Adams,               and               the               Adams               Avenue               Roots               Festival.

    Antique               Row               is               also               located               in               this               neighborhood,               on               Ohio               and               Texas               Streets.

    The               myriad               of               antique               dealers               have               boosted               both               the               cultural               atmosphere,               and               economy               of               the               community.
                   Mount               Hope
                   This               area               is               also               known               for               being               fairly               ethnic               and               culturally               diverse               in               nature,               and               understanding.

    Martin               Luther               King               J.

    Freeway,               also               known               as               State               Route               94,and               Interstate               805               are               the               unofficial               boundaries               of               this               neighborhood.
                   Otay               Mesa
                   This               area               is               far               more               rural               than               other               sections               of               San               Diego,               and               is               situated               adjacent               to               the               Mexican               border,               and               runs               along               the               Otay               River               Valley.

    The               area               has               seen               growth               in               recent               years,               and               is               expected               to               become               a               major               employment               area               of               the               region,               and               also               see               a               boom               in               population.

    Quality               of               life,               and               infrastructure               projects               have               proved               successful               in               the               community.
                   LEISURE               AND               FAMILY               FRIENDLY               EVENTS
                   African               Drumming               Class               -               Elementary               School,               Ongoing               Each               Tue,               WorldBeat               Cultural               Center               
                   African               Drumming               Class               -               Preschool,               Ongoing               Each               Tue,               WorldBeat               Cultural               Center               
                   Bird               Watching               -               Tony               Hawk               in               Flight,               Ongoing               Daily,               San               Diego               Hall               of               Champions               Sports               Museum               
                   Capoeira               Sao               Bente               Grande,               Ongoing               Each               Sat,               WorldBeat               Cultural               Center               
                   Dinosaurs               Alive:               IMAX               Film,               Ongoing               Daily,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Drop-in               Art               Classes,               Ongoing               Each               Sat,               Spanish               Village               Art               Center               
                   Exploration               Bar,               Ongoing               Daily,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Family               African               Drumming               and               Percussion,               Ongoing               Each               Sun,               WorldBeat               Cultural               Center               
                   Kid               City,               Ongoing               Daily,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Kumeyaay:               Native               Californians,               Ongoing               Daily,               San               Diego               Museum               of               Man               
                   Listen               Here!

    Making               Sense               of               Sound,               Ongoing               Daily,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Magic               Planet,               Ongoing               Daily,               San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   Off               Shoot               Tours,               
                   Circulators               Square               Dance               Club               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Youth               Ballet               
                   San               Diego               Zoo               
                   SEA               MONSTERS:               A               Prehistoric               Adventure               -               IMAX               Film,               Daily               to               6/21/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Escape               from               Dino               Island,               Daily               to               4/1/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Gangsters,               Glamour,               and               Glory,               Daily               to               6/30/08,               San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   Strange               Matter,               Daily               to               5/18/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Mujeres               2008:               La               Imagen               de               la               Mujer,               Daily               to               3/30/08,               Centro               Cultural               de               la               Raza               
                   The               Beauty               of               Use,               Daily               to               5/11/08,               Mingei               International               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   Hina               Matsuri               --               A               Girl's               Day               Celebration,               Daily               to               3/31/08,               Japanese               Friendship               Garden/Tea               Pavilion               
                   Dancing               in               the               Dark,               Daily               except               Mon               to               4/20/08,               The               Old               Globe               
                   Grand               Canyon               Adventure:               IMAX               Film,               Daily               to               5/14/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Fridays               at               the               Fleet,               3/28/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   San               Diego               Race               for               Autism,               3/29/08               
                   Noah's               Ark               Origami,               Daily               4/1/08-4/30/08,               Japanese               Friendship               Garden/Tea               Pavilion               
                   The               Sky               Tonight,               4/2/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Fridays               at               the               Fleet,               4/4/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   KinderNights               -               It's               Easy               Being               Green,               4/4/08,               San               Diego               Zoo               
                   Harlynne               Geisler               at               the               Timken,               4/5/08,               Timken               Museum               of               Art               
                   KinderMornings               -               It's               Easy               Being               Green,               4/5/08,               San               Diego               Zoo               
                   Nano               Days               at               the               Fleet,               4/5/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Saturday               Science               Club               for               Girls               -               Ecology,               4/12/08,               Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   The               Glass               Menagerie,               Daily               except               Mon               4/12/08-5/18/08,               The               Old               Globe               
                   KinderNights               -               It's               Easy               Being               Green,               4/25/08,               San               Diego               Zoo
                   POINTS               OF               INTEREST
                   Balboa               Park               Club               
                   Centro               Cultural               de               la               Raza               
                   Children's               Clay               Classes               
                   Circulators               Square               Dance               Club               
                   Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Youth               Ballet               
                   San               Diego               Zoo               
                   WorldBeat               Cultural               Center               
                   Reuben               H.Fleet               Science               Center               
                   San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   San               Diego               Automotive               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Civic               Youth               Ballet               
                   San               Diego               Model               Railroad               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Museum               of               Man               
                   San               Diego               Zoo
                   Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   Balboa               Park               Club               
                   Botanical               Building               
                   Centro               Cultural               de               la               Raza               
                   House               of               Pacific               Relations               International               Cottages               
                   Mingei               International               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   San               Diego               Automotive               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Hall               of               Champions               Sports               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Model               Railroad               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Museum               of               Man               
                   Timken               Museum               of               Art
                   RECREATION               &               OUTDOORS               
                   House               of               Pacific               Relations               International               Cottages               
                   Japanese               Friendship               Garden/Tea               Pavilion               
                   San               Diego               Zoo               
                   Spanish               Village               Art               Center               
                   Spreckels               Organ               Pavilion               
                   Marie               Hitchcock               Puppet               Theater               
                   Reuben               H.

    Fleet               Science               Center               
                   San               Diego               Air               &               Space               Museum               -               Balboa               Park               
                   San               Diego               Hall               of               Champions               Sports               Museum               
                   San               Diego               Model               Railroad               Museum               
                   Japanese               Friendship               Garden/Tea               Pavilion
                   SPECIALTY               SHOPS               &               SHOPPING
                   2               Little               Monkeys               
                   Bubbles               Decor               
                   clothesline               candy               
                   Custom               Made               For               Kids               
                   Darling               Shoes               
                   DJ               Baby               Clothing               
                   Esscential               Solutions               
                   flattenme               Personalized               Books               
                   Four               Peas               Online               
                   Hand               Picked               Pumpkin               
                   The               Happy               Burping               Company               
                   How               Fast               They               Grow               
                   Hunky               Dory               
                   Li'l               Ewe's               
                   The               Little               Author               
                   Made               by               Angie               
                   Magic               Cabin               
                   My               Royal               Heinie               
                   Nick               Jr.

                   Nick               Magazine               
                   Our               Globo               
                   Pedal               Car               Planet               
                   The               Pokey               Pup               
                   Roar               Helmets               
                   Scholastic               Storybook               Treasures               
                   Signing               Time!

                   Simply               Silhouettes               
                   Spoiled               Rotten               Baby               
                   Sunshine               Paperie               
                   Tie               A               Yella               Ribbon               
                   Tiny               Tales               
                   The               northern               section               of               San               Diego               is               decidedly               the               most               urban,               and               highly               populated.

    This               area               of               the               city               attracts               residents               from               all               ethnic               backgrounds,               and               age               groups.

    Waterfront,               and               beach               area               housing,               and               attractions               make               this               low               crime               section               of               the               city               one               of               the               most               sought               after               for               housing.
                   North               side               communities               include:               Bay               Ho,               Bay               Park,               Carmel               Valley,               Clairemont,               Mesa               east,               Clairemont,               Mesa               West,               Del               Mar               Mesa,               La               Jolla,               La               Jolla               Village,               Mission               Beach,               Mission               Bay               Park,               North               City,               North               Clairemont,               Pacific               Beach,               Pacigic               Highlands               Ranch,               Torrey               Hills               Torrey               Pines,               University               City,               Black               Mountain               ranch,               Carmel               Mountain               Ranch,               Miramar,               Miramar               Ranch               North,               Mira               Mesa,               Rancho               Bernardo,               Rancho               Encantada,               Rancho               Peasquitos,               Sabre               Springs,               San               Pasqual               Valley,               Scripps               Ranch,               Sorrento               Valley,               and               the               Torrey               Highlands.
                   Coastal               Neighborhoods
                   This               coastal               community               is               bordered               on               one               side               by               the               Pacific               Beach,               the               Torrey               Pines               State               Preserve,               and               finally,               the               Del               Mar               community.

    The               farms               area               is               located               near               Black's               Beach,               and               the               UC               San               Diego               Campus.

    The               Shores               more               residential               area               is               near               the               Institute               of               Oceanography               campus,               and               is               also               beautifully               situated               next               to               the               beachfront,               and               hill               area.

    A               small,               yet               growing               business               section,               with               many               specialty               shops,               and               restaurants               complete               this               low               crime,               and               affluent               section.

    Hidden               Valley,               La               Jolla               Heights,               La               Jolla               Village               also               offer               sought               after               addresses,               with               "the               Village"               also               being               considered               a               mini               business               district.

    The               Country               Club               section               is               located               near               lower               Mount               Soledad,               and               features               a               picturesque               and               state               of               the               art               golf               course.

    Beach               to               Barber               Tract               runs               to               Windansea               Beach,               with               a               few               stores               and               restaurants               located               along               La               Jolla               Boulevard.

    Lower               Hermosa               is               primarily               coastal               lands,               with               some               upper               end               residential               dwellings.

    Bird               Rock               is               located               to               the               south               of               La               Jolla,               and               features               high               end               specialty               shops,               moderately               priced               beach               shops,               and               a               few               routine               businesses.

    Muirlands               is               one               of               the               larges               neighborhoods               in               northern               San               Diego,               but               features               primarily               homes,               and               no               retail               or               restaurants               of               note.

    La               Jolla               Mesa               also               borders               Pacific               Beach,               and               offers               large               recreational               and               leisure               opportunities.

    Upper               Hermosa               is               high               end               residential               in               nature,               and               located               to               the               north               of               Bird               Rock.

    Soledad               South,               and               La               Jolla               Alta               are               also               affluent               sections,               and               primarily               residential.
                   Valley               Neighborhoods
                   San               Pasqual               Valley               is               the               northernmost               neighborhood,               and               is               bordered               on               the               south               by               the               City               of               Poway               and               the               community               of               Rancho               Bernardo.

    The               San               Diego               Wild               Animal               Park               is               located               in               the               valley               section,               as               well               as               the               sight               of               the               Battle               of               San               Pasqual.

    Sorrento               Valley               is               the               home               of               the               Lindbergh               Field               Airport,               and               is               bordered               by               Mira               Mesa,               and               the               La               Jolla               and               University               City               areas.

    The               Sorrento               Valley               is               known               for               the               multitude               of               IT               and               software               companies               which               have               corporate               offices               located               in               the               area.

    San               Diego               Tech,               Qualcomm,               Texas               Instruments,               Pfizer,               and               Websense               are               the               major               employers               of               the               area.

    Rancho               Bernardo               draws               many               outdoor               enthusiasts,               and               nature               loving               residents.

    The               area               is               located               just               north               of               Carmel               Mountain               Ranch.


    Alive               is               a               large               annual               celebration               held               each               summer               in               the               area,               which               offer               typical               street               festival               fare               for               residents               and               visitors.

    Carmel               Valley               is               the               most               commercial               area               in               the               north               side               of               San               Diego,               with               large               numbers               of               hotels,               restaurants,               shopping,               and               business               offices.
                   Elementary               schools               
                   Ashley               Falls               (Del               Mar               Union               School               District)               
                   Carmel               Creek               (Solana               Beach               School               District)               
                   Carmel               Del               Mar               (Del               Mar               Union               School               District)               
                   Del               Mar               Pines               (Private               nonsectarian)               
                   Sage               Canyon               (Del               Mar               Union               School               District)               
                   Solana               Highlands               (Solana               Beach               School               District)               
                   Solana               Pacific               (Solana               Beach               School               District)               
                   Ocean               Air               (Del               Mar               Union               School               District)               
                   Torrey               Hills               (Del               Mar               Union               School               District)
                   Middle/Junior               high               schools               
                   Carmel               Valley               Middle               (San               Dieguito               Union               High               School               District)
                   High               schools               
                   Torrey               Pines               (San               Dieguito               Union               High               School               District)               
                   Canyon               Crest               Academy               (San               Dieguito               Union               High               School               District)               
                   Cathedral               Catholic               High               School               (Private)               
                   K               through               8               
                   Notre               Dame               Academy               (Roman               Catholic)
                   K               through               12               
                   San               Diego               Jewish               Academy               (Jewish)               
                   San               Dieguito               Union               High               School               District               
                   Del               Mar               Union               School               District               
                   Solana               Beach               School               District               
                   Colleges               and               universities               
                   University               of               Phoenix               
                   Delphi               Academy               of               La               Jolla               
                   Gillispie               School               
                   Home               Education               
                   Integral               Elementary               School               of               La               Jolla               
                   International               Cooperative               Nursery               School               
                   La               Jolla               Country               Day               School               
                   Peterson's               Private               School               Directory               
                   San               Diego               French-American               School               
                   Stella               Maris               Academy               
                   University               of               California,               San               Diego
                   LEISURE               &               FAMILY               FRIENDLY               ACTIVITIES
                   La               Jolla               Farmers'               Market,               Ongoing               Each               Sun,               La               Jolla               Elementary               School               Open               Aire               Market               
                   Australian               Surf               Academy               
                   The               Children's               School               
                   Israeli               Cultural               Center               of               San               Diego               
                   J               Company               Youth               Theatre               
                   La               Jolla               Beach               and               Tennis               Club               
                   La               Jolla               Kayak               
                   La               Jolla               Recreation               Center               
                   Whale               Watching,               Daily               to               3/31/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Jewish               Music               Festival,               Daily               to               8/4/08,               Lawrence               Family               Jewish               Community               Center               
                   Sea               Schoolers-H               is               for               Hermit               Crab,               4/5/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Grunion               Fun               Run,               4/7/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Sea               Strollers-Fins               and               Fun,               4/8/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Sea               Schoolers-H               is               for               Hermit               Crab,               4/13/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Family               Days:               La               Jolla               Above               and               Below,               4/19/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Family               Days:               La               Jolla               Above               and               Below,               4/19/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Grunion               Fun               Run,               4/21/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Sea               Schoolers-H               is               for               Hermit               Crab,               4/23/08,               Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   La               Jolla               Tennis               Club               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               Firehouse               
                   Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   La               Jolla/Riford               Branch               Library.

                   Museum               of               Contemporary               Art               San               Diego/La               Jolla               
                   La               Jolla/Riford               Branch               Library.

                   Lawrence               Family               Jewish               Community               Center               
                   OEX               Dive               &               Kayak               Centers               
                   SeaClypse               Dive               Adventures               
                   A               Time               to               Dance               Performing               Arts               Studio               
                   AMC               La               Jolla               Village               12               
                   Athenaeum               Music               and               Arts               Library               
                   The               Box               Project               
                   Boys               &               Girls               Clubs               of               America               
                   Humane               Society               of               the               United               States               
                   J               Company               Youth               Theatre               
                   La               Jolla               Music               Society               
                   La               Jolla               Playhouse               
                   La               Jolla               Stage               Company               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               
                   La               Jolla/Riford               Branch               Library.

                   Lawrence               Family               Jewish               Community               Center               
                   Mandell               Weiss               Center               for               the               Performing               Arts               
                   Mandeville               Center               
                   RIMAC               Field,               UCSD               
                   La               Jolla               Recreation               Center               
                   San               Diego               French-American               School               
                   A               Time               to               Dance               Performing               Arts               Studio               
                   UCSD               Tennis               Camp               
                   Villa               Musica's               Summer               Camps               for               Young               Singers               
                   Flicks               for               Kids               
                   La               Jolla               Playhouse               
                   La               Jolla               Stage               Company               
                   The               La               Jolla               Symphony               &               Chorus               
                   Mandeville               Center
                   RECREATION               CULTURE               &               OUTDOORS
                   SeaClypse               Dive               Adventures               
                   Australian               Surf               Academy               
                   Birch               Aquarium               at               Scripps               
                   Digital               Media               Academy               
                   Global               Citizens               Network               
                   Habitat               for               Humanity               
                   Israeli               Cultural               Center               of               San               Diego               
                   J               Company               Youth               Theatre               
                   La               Jolla               Beach               and               Tennis               Club               
                   La               Jolla               Kayak               
                   La               Jolla               Recreation               Center               
                   La               Jolla               Tennis               Club               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               Firehouse               
                   Lawrence               Family               Jewish               Community               Center               
                   OEX               Dive               &               Kayak               Centers               
                   Private               Lessons.com               
                   Rebuilding               Together               
                   San               Diego               Bike               &               Kayak               Tours               
                   SeaClypse               Dive               Adventures               
                   SeaStar               Adventures               -               Ocean               Discovery               
                   Signing               Time!

                   Surf               Diva               Surfing               School               
                   A               Time               to               Dance               Performing               Arts               Studio               
                   Wells               Academic               Solutions               (2               locations               in               neighborhood)               
                   Boomer               Beach               
                   La               Jolla               Shores               
                   Mount               Soledad               
                   OEX               Dive               &               Kayak               Centers               
                   San               Diego               Bike               &               Kayak               Tours               
                   SeaClypse               Dive               Adventures               
                   SeaStar               Adventures               -               Ocean               Discovery               
                   Shell               Beach               
                   Stuart               Collection,               UCSD               
                   Torrey               Pines               Gliderport               
                   Torrey               Pines               Municipal               Golf               Course               
                   Torrey               Pines               State               Beach               
                   Torrey               Pines               State               Reserve               
                   Children's               Pool               
                   Ellen               Browning               Scripps               Park               
                   Hike               Bike               Kayak               San               Diego               
                   La               Jolla               Cove               
                   La               Jolla               Elementary               School               Open               Aire               Market               
                   La               Jolla               Kayak               
                   Ellen               Browning               Scripps               Park               
                   Kellogg               Park               
                   La               Jolla               Recreation               Center               
                   Hike               Bike               Kayak               San               Diego
                   TOP               BEACH               RESTAURANTS               
                   French               Pastry               Cafe               
                   Harry's               Coffee               Shop               
                   Wahoo's               Fish               Taco
                   SPORTS               LEAGUES
                   Jim               Brogan               Basketball               Academy               
                   La               Jolla               YMCA               
                   Lawrence               Family               Jewish               Community               Center               
                   Little               League               Baseball               
                   Torrey               Pines               Municipal               Golf               Course               
                   Mount               Soledad               
                   OEX               Dive               &               Kayak               Centers               
                   Stuart               Collection,
                   EAST               -               WEST               
                   The               smaller               neighborhoods               found               in               both               the               east               and               west               ends               of               the               city               of               San               Diego               present               the               most               suburban               areas               of               the               city.

    Larger               green               spaces,               low               crime               rates               in               most               neighborhoods,               and               a               family               style               atmosphere               is               present.

    Eastern               communities               include:               Allied               Gardens,               Birdland,               Del               Cerro,               Grantville,               Kearny               Mesa,               Lake               Murray,               Mission               Valley               East,               San               Carlos,               Serra               Mesa,               and               Tierrasanta.

    Western               communities               include:               Buringame,               Hillcrest,               La               Playa,               Linda               Vista,               Loma               Portal,               Midway               District,               Mission               Hills,               Mission               Valley               West,               Morena,               North               Park,               Ocean               Beach,               Old               Town,               Point               Loma               Heights,               Roseville-Fleetridge,               Sunset               Cliffs,               University               Heights               and               wooded               area.
                   Eastern               San               Diego               Neighborhoods
                   The               eastern               section               of               San               Diego               is               a               middle-upper               class               white               collar               neighborhood.

    San               Carlos,               Del               Cerro,               Allied               Gardens,               Grantville,               and               the               college               area               make               up               this               community.

    Allied               Gardens               Recreation               Center               is               the               hub               of               fitness               activity,               and               is               located               on               Greenbrier               Avenue.

    Many               little               league               fields,               a               walking               path,               and               spacious               playgrounds               fill               the               center,               and               are               widely               enjoyed               by               the               health               conscious               and               family               oriented               residents.

    The               eastern               area               is               served               by               the               following               schools:               Foster               Elementary               School,               Marvin               Elementary               School,               and               Lewis               Middle               and               Patrick               Henry               High               School.

    Mission               Valley               East               is               the               largest               community               in               this               section               of               town,               and               is               located               near               the               Pacific               Ocean               in               an               affluent               and               low               crime               area.

    Many               shopping               and               entertainment               centers               are               located               in               the               area,               providing               walking               distance               venues               for               the               residents               to               enjoy.
                   Western               San               Diego               Neighborhoods
                   The               communities               of               Hillcrest,               and               portions               of               Balboa               Park               are               the               primary               communities               in               the               free               thinking,               diverse,               and               tolerant               section               of               San               Diego.

    The               many               businesses               located               in               the               area               range               from               thrift               stores,               to               trendy               high               fashion               designers.

    Outdoor               cafes,               casual               and               high               dining               style               restaurants,               unique               and               independently               owned               small               specialty               stores,               night               club,               lounges,               and               gay               bars               are               all               crowded               into               the               center               of               activity               in               the               western               neighborhoods.

    A               large               population               of               gay               and               lesbian               residents               live               in               the               bustling               communities.

    San               Diego's               Gay               Pride               Celebration               and               parade               are               among               the               many               festivals               which               take               place               in               the               west               end               of               San               Diego.

    "CityFest"               is               a               street               fair               which               occurs               annually,               providing               food,               street               vendors,               live               music,               book               fair,               and               a               beer               garden.
                   NEIGHBORHOOD               AND               FAMILY               FRIENDLY               ACTIVITIES
                   Hillcrest               Farmers'               Market,               Ongoing               Each               Sun,               Hillcrest               Farmers               Market               
                   Living               History               Demonstrations,               Ongoing               Each               Wed,               Old               Town               
                   National               Comedy               Theater,               Ongoing               Fri,               Sat               
                   North               Park               Farmers'               Market,               Ongoing               Each               Thu               
                   North               Park               Thursday               Night               Market,               Ongoing               Each               Thu               
                   Old               Town               Art               &               Culture               Night,               Ongoing               Each               Sat,               Old               Town               
                   Pacific               Beach               Farmer's               Market,               Ongoing               Each               Sat,               Pacific               Beach               Farmers'               Market               
                   Indie               Music               Fest,               3/29/08               
                   Spring               Line               Up               Craft               Event,               3/30/08,               Silver               Gate               Three               Stars               Lodge               
                   Stay               the               Hand,               Daily               4/4/08-4/13/08,               The               Stephen               and               Mary               Birch               North               Park               Theatre               
                   Mice               and               Beans:               The               Opera,               Daily               4/26/08-4/27/08,               The               Stephen               and               Mary               Birch               North               Park               Theatre               
                   Dancing               Ever               After               
                   Morley               Field               &               Recreation               Center               
                   Radiance               Yoga               
                   Sophia               Isadora               Academy               of               Circus               Arts               
                   A               Time               to               Dance               Performing               Arts               Studio               
                   6th               @               Penn               Theatre               
                   Eveoke               Dance               Theatre               
                   Humane               Society               of               the               United               States               
                   Junipero               Serra               Museum               
                   Mission               Hills               Branch               Library               
                   Morley               Field               &               Recreation               Center               
                   National               Library               Service:               Blind               &               Handicapped               
                   North               Park               Vaudeville               and               Candy               Shoppe               
                   Scripps               Mercy               Hospital               
                   Silver               Gate               Three               Stars               Lodge               

    Paul's               Episcopal               Cathedral               
                   The               Stephen               and               Mary               Birch               North               Park               Theatre               
                   Tops               Presents:               Cinema               Under               the               Stars               
                   Morley               Field               &               Recreation               Center               
                   National               Comedy               Theater               
                   Sophia               Isadora               Academy               of               Circus               Arts               
                   Spotlight               Ovations               

    Paul's               Episcopal               Cathedral               
                   A               Time               to               Dance               Performing               Arts               Studio               
                   Junipero               Serra               Museum               
                   Mission               Hills               Branch               Library
                   RECREATION               AND               OUTDOORS
                   Hillcrest               Farmers               Market               
                   Junipero               Serra               Museum               
                   Morley               Field               &               Recreation               Center               
                   Morley               Field               Disc               Golf               Course               
                   North               Park               Farmers'               Market               
                   Old               Town               
                   Pacific               Beach               Farmers'               Market               
                   San               Diego               Velodrome
                   MOST               POPULAR               RESTAURANTS
                   Corvette               Diner               
                   Gelato               Vero               Caffe               
                   Hash               House               A               Go               Go               
                   Henry's               Farmers               Market               
                   Whole               Foods               Market               (2               locations               in               neighborhood)

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    lincoln college campus portal

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    lincoln college campus portal

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