2013년 12월 22일 일요일

About 'wheeler school'|Teachers Endorse Brian Wheeler for School Board

About 'wheeler school'|Teachers Endorse Brian Wheeler for School Board

What's               to               be               said               about               the               "American               Idol"               Thursday               night               program,               where               2               boys               and               2               girls               were               axed?

General               observations:               I               was               glad               to               see               Tyler               Grady               go,               but,               in               a               way,               he               was               right               when               he               said               that               the               "advice"               to               quit               being               a               Jim               Morrison               poseur               came               "too               late"               to               help               him.

Kara               absolutely               crowed               about               how               "cool"               he               was               during               the               early               stages               of               the               competition,               and               I               think               Tyler               had               enough               of               a               big               head               before               that.

The               film               of               him               practicing               in               cowboy               boots,               white               socks               and               a               bathrobe               pretty               much               says               it               all.

I               was               not               sorry               to               see               him               go.
               The               "cuteness"               and               "humbleness"               factor               saved               the               other               lowest               vote               getter,               Alex               Lambert.

It               is               poor               Alex               who               had               only               performed               about               3               times               in               local               coffee               shops,               before               his               Idol               audition.

Obviously,               Tyler               has               been               posturing               as               the               Lizard               King               (et.

al.)               for               a               while.

Simon               said               he               acted               as               though               he               had               gone               to               "Rock               Star               School"               on               the               boys'               night               and               Randy               pronounced               him               to               be               "style               over               substance,"               which               is               a               fair               criticism               of               a               lot               of               really               famous               singers.
               So,               good-bye,               Tyler,               and               don't               let               the               door               hit               you               in               the               fake               leather               pants               on               the               way               out.
               The               other               boy               eliminated               was               Joe               Munoz.

He               seemed               like               a               genuinely               nice               guy,               but               that               didn't               work               for               him.

He               needed               some               of               the               animal               magnetism               of               Casey               James               or               the               cute               fresh-faced               attractiveness               that               kept               Tim               Urban               in               the               competition,               when               he               was               definitely               one               of               the               weakest,               vocally.
               Now,               as               to               the               girls'               elimination.

Big               mistake               there.

Eliminating               Ashley               Rodriguez,               one               of               the               prettiest               of               the               girls               who               had               the               "total               package"               and               who               can               be               found               singing               as               Ashley               Benami               online,               seemed               unfair.

I               have               to               admit,               after               saying               that,               that               her               farewell               song               did               not               really               move               me.

None               of               the               girls               really               stood               out               much               (although               I               liked               Crystal               Bowersox),               except               that               Katy               was               way               off               key               during               her               entire               performance               and               seemed               to               be               channeling               her               elderly               grandmum.

I               do               not               understand               how               she               was               able               to               stay,               while               Ashley               was               voted               off.
               Last               girl               to               go               was               the               blonde               rumored               to               be               Tim               Teabow's               (Florida               quarterback)               girlfriend,               Janell               Wheeler.

There               was               a               quick               shot               of               Janell               making               a               funny               face,               which               just               made               her               appear               unattractive.

Then               a               quick               shot               to               Mom.

Janell               was               never               going               to               win               this               thing,               so               I               can               live               with               her               sudden               death               in               the               competition,               but               she               seemed               better,               to               me,               than               some               others.
               As               I               was               driving               all               the               way               across               the               state               of               Illinois               (width,               not               length),               I               was               listening               to               Adam               Lambert's               album               and               to               Melinda               DoLittle's               album.

I               was               immediately               nostalgic               for               last               year's               great               talent,               especially               after               both               Allison               Irahito               and               Chris               Allen               performed.

That               goes               for               the               talent               of               other               years,               as               well.
               This               year's               crop               looks               very               pale               and               dull,               by               comparison.

I               looked               forward               every               week               to               seeing               what               outrageous               thing               Adam               would               do               THIS               week.

And               Allison,               the               gutsy               Hispanic               rocker               chick,               was               equally               intriguing.

I               also               pine               for               the               days               of               the               Dueling               Davids:               David               Cook               and               David               Archuleta.
               Even               the               "hits"               on               AC               are               down               this               year,               which               may               be               due               to               the               Olympics               in               Vancouver,               or               it               may               just               be               that               this               year's               crop               isn't               cutting               it.
               There               is               no               one               in               the               entire               crowd,               with               the               possible               exception               of               Crystal               Bowersox               (for               the               girls)               and               Lee               DeWyze               (of               the               boys)               who               I               really               even               care               to               hear               sing               again.

I'm               not               that               "ga               ga'               over               Casey               Jones.

Big               Daddy               Mike               Lynche               isn't               doing               much               for               me.

I               did               enjoy               watching               TodrickHall               own               the               stage,               but               I               had               no               idea               what               he               was               singing               (and,               as               the               judges               said,               neither               did               they),               and               I'd               rather               he               dance               than               sing,               if               I'm               the               one               watching.
               I               was               happy               to               see               2               things               I               had               said               echoed               by               Simon               Cowell:               1)               Angela               Martin               should               never               have               been               cut               and               (2)               this               year,               the               girls               are               stronger,               which               he               was               quoted               as               having               said               in               the               NewYork               Post.

After               mentioning               that,               however,               I               am               very               disappointed               in               almost               all               of               the               girls,               so               far.

I               do               think               that               Katelyn               Epperly               will               step               up               her               game,               as               Crystal               Bowersox               already               has,               but               I               really               pine               for               the               Dueling               Davids               and/or               Adam               Lambert/Allison               Irahito               days.
               And               when               Simon               leaves?

What               then?

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    2013년 12월 4일 수요일

    About 'lincoln technical school'|The Hunt for Genius, Part 5: Three Elite Schools

    About 'lincoln technical school'|The Hunt for Genius, Part 5: Three Elite Schools

    Are               you               considering               becoming               a               cardiovascular               tech?

    Are               you               researching               career               options               and               searching               for               schools               that               provide               training               for               cardiovascular               technicians               (also               known               as               cardiovascular               technologists)?

    Here               are               a               few               schools               that               offer               a               baccalaureate               degree               for               cardiovascular               techs.

    Some               offer               an               associate's               degree               as               well.

    All               of               these               schools               are               accredited               by               the               Commission               on               Accreditation               of               Allied               Health               Education               Programs.

    As               of               September               2010,               these               are               the               only               accredited               schools               that               provide               a               baccalaureate's               degree               for               cardiovascular               techs.

    While               it               is               not               necessary               (you               can               have               an               associate's               degree,               or               even               follow               through               with               a               certificate               program),               it               does               make               you               more               marketable               to               future               employers.
                   Be               sure               to               research               each               school               carefully,               before               choosing               one               to               apply.

    That               can               include               visiting               the               campus,               discussing               this               with               your               high               school               guidance               counselor,               and               getting               advice               from               cardiovascular               techs               who               are               working               in               the               field.
                   BryanLGH               College               of               Health               Sciences
                   One               superb               cardiovascular               tech               program               is               offered               at               BryanLGH               College               of               Health               Sciences               in               Lincoln,               Nebraska.

    If               you               want               to               choose               a               school               in               area               with               a               fairly               low               cost               of               living,               but               in               a               nice               sized               city,               this               might               be               the               choice               for               you.
                   BryanLGH               College               offers               several               degrees               for               cardiovascular               techs               including               a               Bachelor's               Degree               in               Adult               Cardiac               Sonography               and               a               Bachelor's               Degree               in               Vascular               Sonography.

    They               offer               an               associate's               degree               as               well.

    They               are               a               partnership               of               BryanLGH               Medical               Center.

    On               their               website,               the               medical               center               claims               to               be               "one               of               the               most               renowned               healthcare               organizations               in               the               Midwest."               To               learn               more               about               their               program,               tuition               and               student               life,               check               out               their               website               here.
                   Geneva               College
                   Geneva               College,               located               in               Beaver               Falls               in               Pennsylvania,               is               another               outstanding               cardiovascular               science               program               to               consider.

    It               is               a               small,               Christian               college.

    If               you               want               to               learn               in               a               Christ-centered               environment,               this               is               the               place               to               go               to               become               a               cardiovascular               technologist.
                   Geneva               College               will               provide               you               with               a               great               education               and               training,               but               additionally,               you'll               have               a               chance               to               make               friends               for               a               lifetime.

    The               school               has               lots               of               student               activities               to               participate               in               outside               of               your               studies.

    For               more               information               about               Geneva               college,               and               to               learn               more               about               their               cardiovascular               science               program,               click               here.

    It               is               also               the               only               school               in               the               country               (as               of               September               2010),               to               offer               an               MS               in               Cardiovascular               Science.
                   A               third               accredited               program               for               students               wanting               to               become               cardiovascular               techs               is               offered               at               Louisiana               State               University               Health               Sciences               Center               in               New               Orleans.

    If               you               want               to               become               a               cardiovascular               tech               while               living               in               southern               Louisiana,               this               is               a               great               choice               for               you.
                   LSUHSC               offers               a               bachelor's               degree               in               Cardiopulmonary               Science.

    If               you               desire               to               be               a               Cardiovascular               Technologist,               you               will               follow               the               cardiovascular               sonography               track.

    To               learn               more               about               the               program               and               the               University,               click               here.

    The               department               of               cardiopulmonary               science               students               has               an               annual               "Crawfish               Boil"               each               year.

    You               can               read               more               about               it               on               their               website.
                   Augusta               Technical               College
                   A               fourth               school               to               consider               is               Augusta               Technical               College               in               Augusta,               Georgia.

    It               is               a               fairly               competitive               program.

    Classes               are               held               off               campus               at               Georgia               Heart               Institute               at               University               Hospital.

    The               school's               concentration               is               in               non-invasive               cardiology.

    Click               here               to               read               more               about               the               program.

    Augusta               has               almost               200,000               residents               in               the               city               and               surrounding               area.

    There               are               many               of               part-time               job               opportunities               for               college               students               in               the               area.

    If               you               live               in               or               near               Georgia,               and               wish               to               become               a               cardiovascular               technologist,               this               is               the               school               for               you.
                   A               fifth               accredited               cardiovascular               technologist               program               is               available               at               the               University               of               Medicine               &               Dentistry               of               New               Jersey.

    The               school               offers               a               Bachelor's               of               Science               in               Allied               Health               Technologies,               which               can               help               land               a               job               as               a               Cardiovascular               Tech.

    You               can               earn               a               certificate               in               Cardiac               Sonography               or               Vascular               Sonography.

    Click               here               to               read               more               about               the               school               and               the               cardiovascular               tech               program.

    The               classes               are               held               in               Northern,               Southern               and               Central               New               Jersey.

    They               also               have               online               courses.
                   These               are               five               colleges               that               provide               bachelor's               degrees               for               students               wishing               to               pursue               a               career               as               a               cardiovascular               technologist.

    All               of               these               programs               are               accredited,               and               as               of               September               2010,               they               are               the               only               accredited               schools               that               offer               a               bachelor's               degree.
                   While               a               bachelor's               degree               is               a               wonderful               choice,               it               is               not               absolutely               essential.

    You               can               still               become               a               Cardiovascular               Technologist               or               Technician               with               an               associate's               degree.
                   Payscale.com               reports               that               cardiovascular               technologists               earn               a               salary               of               $31,000               to               $50,000               per               year,               plus               bonuses.

    It               is               a               job               that               is               in               demand               and               the               need               is               expected               to               grow.

    If               you               enjoy               science               and               helping               others,               this               is               a               lucrative               career               choice               to               consider.
                   If               you               are               still               exploring               careers,               please               take               a               look               at               "High               Demand               Science               Jobs               that               Pay               Over               $60.000               a               Year."               You               also               might               take               a               look               at               "Jobs               in               the               Medical               Field               Without               a               Bachelor's               Degree"               and               "Job               Ideas               for               People               Who               Like               to               Help               Others."               Good               Luck               with               your               future               endeavors!

    Happy               Learning!

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    lincoln technical school

    About 'lincoln college tuition'|Free College Tuition Through COSI!

    About 'lincoln college tuition'|Free College Tuition Through COSI!

    Once               again,               student               debt               managed               to               climb               its               way               up               to               be               among               the               top               of               the               headlines.

    President               Obama               proposed               to               reform               student               loan               interest               rate               structure               to               be               based               on               market               forces               rather               than               bureaucratic               rules.

    The               situation               with               student               loans               have               become               so               desperate               that               lawsuits               are               being               filed               by               students               against               their               alma               mater.

    An               oversized               student               loan               can               be               a               perpetual               anchor               to               weigh               down               the               American               Dream.

    Before               I               go               on,               let's               get               one               thing               out               of               the               way.

    Yes,               not               all               diplomas               hold               the               same               value.

    For               example,               a               degree               from               Harvard               University               clearly               carries               with               it               the               prestige               and               recognition               that               does               not               come               with               "Podunk               State               College".

    The               moral               of               this               story               is               not               so               much               how               diplomas               from               all               colleges               are               interchangeable               or               perfectly               substitutable.

    However,               with               prudent               decisions,               one               may               be               able               to               obtain               a               quality               education               toward               a               fulfilling               career               whilst               avoiding               the               worst               case               scenario               for               college               students:               spending               decades               to               pay               down               a               debt               that               cannot               be               shed               through               bankruptcy.
                   In               2001,               I               was               facing               a               problem               that               few               American               high               school               students               faced.

    I               came               from               an               (legal)               immigrant               family.

    Due               to               various               circumstances,               we               were               not               able               to               amass               any               notable               degree               of               wealth.

    Needless               to               say,               I               did               not               have               a               college               fund.

    Even               worse,               in-state               tuition               was               not               an               option               for               me               because               of               my               status               as               a               F-1               international               student.

    Although               at               the               time               I               was               living               in               Texas,               where               top               10%               of               all               high               school               students               are               guaranteed               entry               into               any               public               institution,               my               grades               were               pulled               down               by               my               early               years               in               high               school               due               to               language               deficiencies.

    My               choices               were               limited:               pay               out-of-state               tuition               in               Texas               or               anywhere               else.
                   Although               tuition               inflation               had               only               recently               surface               as               a               hot               issue               in               the               media,               its               upward               trajectory               was               already               well               in               place               by               the               early               2000's.

    In               short,               a               F-1               student               with               pretty               good               (though               far               from               excellent)               grades               is               not               exactly               hot               commodity.

    My               choices               essentially               came               down               to               a               private               university               in               the               Midwest               that               is               nationally               ranked               among               top               20               undergraduate               programs               in               the               country,               or               a               little-known               liberal               arts               college               in               the               South               but               has               an               excellent               regional               academic               reputation.

    My               parents               urged               me               to               enroll               into               the               private               university,               which               offered               me               a               substantial               amount               of               scholarship               based               on               a               combination               of               merit               and               need               but               still               required               annual               out-of-pocket               expenses               of               at               least               $16,000.

    However,               the               liberal               arts               college               chose               to               take               a               chance               on               me               and               offered               me               a               full               ride,               including               room               and               board.

    It               was               funded               by               a               private               philanthropist               who               lived               her               entire               life               within               her               means               and               simply               saved,               saved,               and               saved               some               more.
                   Thus,               the               opportunity               for               me               to               make               the               best               financial               decision               of               my               life               presented               itself.

    Instead               of               taking               out               a               six-figure               student               loan               and               pursue               my               education               with               a               top-ranked               private               university,               I               chose               the               liberal               arts               college.
                   My               decision               process               went               something               like               this:

    What               is               the               main               reason               for               choosing               the               private               university?

    The               answers               were               clear:               prestige;               recognition;               potentially               superior               education               experience.

    What               is               the               main               drawback               for               choosing               the               private               university?

    The               answer               was               just               as               clear:               being               knee-deep               in               debt               without               quality               employment               prospects               as               a               F-1               student               (contributing               causes               are               for               a               separate               story).
                   There               is               one               underlying               common               denominator:               information.

    By               now,               the               accreditation               process               for               higher               education               helps               to               standardize               much               of               the               content               among               schools.

    In               other               words,               the               information               and               knowledge               being               taught               at               various               universities               are               largely               the               same.

    Key               differences               reside               in               method               of               delivery.

    Yet               it               is               well               known               that               larger               schools               -               both               public               and               private,               particularly               those               classified               as               "R-1"               (major               research               institutions)               tend               to               use               Teaching               Assistants.

    Thus               the               quality               of               education               likely               differs               little               among               schools               with               the               same               accreditation.

    Any               positive               or               negative               experiences               in               institutions               of               the               same               accreditation               are               likely               idiosyncratic               to               individual               faculty               members               rather               than               systemic               to               the               entire               institution.
                   However,               I               will               concede               one               point.

    Even               identical               information               cannot               account               for               external               relations.

    Two               schools,               both               with               the               same               curriculum               and               accreditation,               are               also               likely               to               have               different               networking               opportunities.

    The               difference               is               likely               much               greater               between               schools               from               obviously               different               "tiers".

    This               is               where               the               student               should               do               his/her               homework               on               the               following:

    Which               school               offers               the               most               robust               program               that               fits               my               main               interest?


    Which               school               has               a               more               robust               career               development               and               placement               program?


    Do               the               two               items               above               justify               the               premium               (if               any)               in               total               expenses?
                   Although               the               choices               presented               to               me               were               rather               extreme,               many               students               today               likely               face               choosing               among               multiple               schools               from               the               same               tier.

    Equally               as               likely               is               that               the               student               has               little               to               no               clue               as               to               what               career               field               to               choose.

    Under               such               circumstances,               my               advice               is               simple:               choose               the               least               expensive               option               as               long               as               the               accreditation               standard               is               identical.

    Because               once               a               student               loan               is               taken               out,               there               is               no               other               option               besides               paying               it               back.

    On               the               other               hand,               information               acquisition               and               application               are               both               efforts               of               the               student.
                   As               Abraham               Lincoln               said:               "Always               bear               in               mind               that               your               own               resolution               to               succeed               is               more               important               than               any               other               one               thing."
                   One               does               not               need               an               expensive               education               in               order               to               obtain               career               success               and               financial               independence.

    With               caveats,               of               course.

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